When undergoing labiaplasty revision, you want to get the most out of your surgery. Some…
How Soon After Labiaplasty Surgery Can I Undergo Revision?
Sometimes, there are unforeseen variables in plastic surgery that can lead to unsatisfactory results. Poor…
How Does Labia Reconstruction Differ From Labiaplasty?
The difference between labia reconstruction surgery and labiaplasty is commonly misunderstood. A labiaplasty is the…
What Can Go Wrong During Your Initial Labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that seeks to reduce the size of the labia…
If the Trim Labiaplasty Method Can Result in Deformities, Why Is It Still Used?
The trim method is a commonly used technique for labiaplasty surgery. Unfortunately, the trim method…
How Can Labiaplasty Revision Make Exercise Easier?
Having labiaplasty performed is quickly becoming a growing trend for many women seeking to rejuvenate…
How Can Labia Reconstruction Contribute to Your Physical Comfort?
Botched labiaplasties do a lot of harm emotionally; however, it can also lead to significant…
How Can You Restore Tissue That Has Been Removed During a Botched Labiaplasty?
Unfortunately, far too many women have had to suffer the traumatizing effects of a botched…
Are You Afraid of Sexual Intimacy After a Botched Labiaplasty?
Women turn to labiaplasty surgery for many reasons, both physical and emotional. On the physical…
How Is Labiaplasty Revision Recovery Different From the Initial Surgery?
After being dissatisfied with the results of your initial labiaplasty, it is understandable that you…