How to Prepare for Your Labiaplasty Revision

If you are unhappy with the results of your labiaplasty, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, too many women experience undesirable results that range from unattractive to debilitating.
There’s still hope: labiaplasty revision, or corrective labiaplasty, is a procedure specifically designed to remedy the results of a bad labiaplasty. And while it can be stressful to decide on another procedure, the emotional distress of living with a consequence you’re unhappy with can also be challenging. We’ve prepared some helpful tips for making this decision more straightforward so that you can regain your confidence and comfort.
Choose a World-Renowned Labiaplasty Revision Expert
For correcting any errors this second time around, you should only trust the best. Dr. Gary J. Alter is the preeminent authority on labiaplasty and labiaplasty revision, dedicating decades to innovating techniques, inventing new methodologies—including the central wedge labiaplasty— and sharing his research with his peers for the betterment of the field.
Dr. Alter is double board-certified in both urology and plastic surgery, making him uniquely qualified as the leading genital reconstructive surgeon. Not only does Dr. Alter fix the poor results of prior labiaplasties, but he can also give you results you love.
If your prior procedure left your labia with uneven scarring, disproportionate labia, or if they were over-excised, Dr. Alter has a host of techniques that he can employ to give you the result you deserved the first time. It can be intimidating to entrust your body to another surgeon after you have had a negative experience; with Dr. Alter, you can be assured that you are entrusting your procedure to the absolute best.Look at some of the gorgeous transformations Dr. Alter has provided his labiaplasty revision patients in his before and after gallery.
Assess What’s Important for Your Labiaplasty Revision
Once you have chosen a surgeon, it’s time to think about what you want from this procedure. In too many cases, women feel that their over-excised labia or labium are past revision—however, Dr. Alter offers many options for patients no matter their concerns.
Before your consultation, consider what you want from your labiaplasty revision: do you wish you had more tissue on one or both labia? Would you like the edges of the labia to be smoother or more even? Take note of what you would like, then think about your questions and concerns. All of this will be useful for your confidential consultation with Dr. Alter.
Dr. Alter will walk you through the process, answer your questions, and assess what surgical technique will work best for you.
Plan the Surgery Around Your Schedule
Recovery is always easier the less stress we have. Do yourself and your body a favor and plan your procedure for the best time for you. As you may know, labiaplasty recovery is generally mild, with minimal downtime. However, to make the experience easier, try and schedule it around the time that works best for you. Consider work, childcare, and social obligations. The more smoothly your recovery goes, the sooner you can return to living your life.
Prepare Your Support System
Revision plastic surgery can be emotionally taxing—it is much easier with a strong support system. Additionally, you may need someone to drive you home following your procedure as you recover from anesthesia. We have attendants that can fill this role if you don’t have anyone to do this.
It’s also helpful to plan to have someone stay with you immediately following your procedure. You may be groggy, exhausted, and have some discomfort. You may also need someone to help you prepare food or do daily activities for the first day or two.
Have specific questions now? Dr. Alter has compiled a list of frequently asked questions from the community of women interested in labiaplasty revision.
Jumpstart Your Wellness
As with any surgical procedure, you may need to adjust or stop taking certain medications. Be sure to come to your consultation with current medical records and a list of your medicines so that Dr. Alter can advise you on the best course of action. Additionally, if you smoke, you must quit before the procedure and continue to avoid nicotine throughout recovery.
Eating healthy is also a great way to prepare for surgery: the more vitamins and nutrients you have, the more straightforward surgery and recovery are on your body. Starting healthy habits now can help make this process a snap.
Interested in Labiaplasty Revision in Beverly Hills, CA or NYC?
If you’re ready to begin your journey towards aesthetic, emotional, and mental wellness with labiaplasty revision, call us today at 310-275-5566 or fill out our online contact form. Dr. Alter and our entire team are looking forward to hearing from you.