Gary J. Alter, M.D.
Publications, Books, Presentationsand Published Papers
Alter GJ. Commentary on : The Safe Labiaplasty: A study of nerve density in labia minora and its implications. Aesthet Surg J (2016) 36 (6): 710-711 DOI:
Alter GJ. Commentary on: The Safety of Aesthetic Labiaplasty: A Plastic Surgery Experience. Aesth Surg J. 2015:10:1093
Alter GJ. Response to : Going in the Wrong Direction with Monsplasty. Aesth Surg J. 2013; 33:1210
Alter GJ. Pubic contouring after Massive Weight Loss in Men and Women: Correction of Hidden Penis, Mons Ptosis, and Labia Majora Enlargement. Plas Reconst Surg, 2012:130:936-947
Mirzabeigi MN, Jandali S, Mettel, RK, Alter GJ. The nomenclature of “Vaginal Rejuvenation” and elective vulvovaginal plastic surgery. Aesth Surg J. 2011; 31:723-724
Alter GJ. Labia minora reconstruction using clitoral hood flaps, wedge excisions, and YV advancement flaps. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2011; 127:2356-2363
Alter GJ. Comparison of Wedge versus Straight-Line Reduction Labioplasty. Reply Letter to the editor. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2010; 125:1047-1048
Alter GJ. Management of the mons pubis and labia majora in the massive weight loss patient. Aesth Surg J. 2009; 29:432-442
Alter, GJ. Aesthetic labia minora and clitoral hood reduction using extended central wedge resection. Reply to letter to the editor. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009; 124:337-338
Alter GJ. Aesthetic labia minora and clitoral hood reduction using extended central wedge resection. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008; 122:1780-89
Alter, GJ. Aesthetic labia minora reduction with inferior wedge resection and superior pedicle flap reconstruction. (Letter) Plast Reconstr Surg. 2007; 120(1): 358
Alter GJ. Surgery to correct hidden penis; Surgical techniques. J Sex Med. 2006; 3:939-942
Alter, GJ. Central wedge nymphectomy with a 90-degree Z-plasty for aesthetic reduction of the labia minora. Letter to the editor. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2005; 115: 2144
Alter GJ. A new technique for aesthetic labia minora reduction. Ann of Plast Surg. 1998; 40:287
Woods JE, Alter GJ, Meland NB, Podratz K. Experience with vaginal reconstruction utilizing the modified Singapore flap. Plast and Reconstr Surg 1992; 90:270
Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the External Genitalia. Editors: Gary J. Alter and Richard M. Ehrlich, W.B. Saunders and Co, Philadelphia. 1999
Alter GJ. Discussion on chapter on “Fermale aesthetic plastic surgery”. In: Cohen M and Thaller S, editors. Unfavorable Results in Plastic Surgery. CRC Press.
Alter GJ. Aesthetic Genital Surgery. IN: Neligan P and Rubin JP editors. Plastic Surgery. 4rd Edition, Vol 2, Chapter 30. Elsevier Publishing. 2018 London. pp 742-764
Alter GJ. Contouring of the female external genitalia. In: Aly A. et al. editor. The Art of Body Contouring: A Comprehensive Approach. Thieme Medical Publishing. 2017 New York pp 555-579
Alter GJ. Aesthetic Genital Surgery. IN: Neligan P and Warren RJ editors. Plastic Surgery. 3rd Edition, Vol. 2, Chapter 31. Elsevier Publishing, 2012 London pp 655-677
Alter GJ. Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery: Labia minora, Labia majora, Mons pubis lift. In: Nahai F, editor. The Art of Aesthetic Surgery: Principles and Techniques, 2nd Edition, Chapter 86. St. Louis, MO: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc; 2011 pp `3097-3123
Alter GJ. Male Genital Anomalies; Congenital., Male Genital Anomalies: Acquired., Female Genital Anomalies: Congenital., Female Genital Anomalies: Acquired. In: Marsh JL, and Perlyn CA, editors. Decision Making in Plastic Surgery, 2nd Edition. St. Louis, MO: Quality Medical Publishing, Inc. 2010. Pp154-163
Alter GJ. Aesthetic Genital Surgery. In: Mathes SJ, Hentz VR, editors. Plastic Surgery, 2nd ed. Vol. VI, Philadelphia: WB Saunders and Co; 2000. pp 389-410
Alter GJ. Female aesthetic genital surgery, Part II: Aesthetic labia minora reduction. In: Ehrlich RM, Alter GJ, editors. Reconstructive and Plastic Surgery of the External Genitalia. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders and CO; 1999
Alter GJ. Adult Genital Plastic Surgery. In: Greer S, Benhaim, et al., editors. Handbook of Plastic Surgery, New York: Macel Dekker; 2004
“Panel: Comprehensive Techniques in Female Genital Rejuvenation- Reconstruction of Deformities from Labiaplasty Complications: at American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Annual meeting 2019, Sand Diego, CA. September 22, 2019
“Male to Female Gender Confirming Surgery”, “Reconstruction of Penile Enlarbement Deformities”, “Scrotum Reduction”, “Hidden Penis”, “Masterclass:Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”. Presented at XVI Chilean Congress of Plastic Surgery, Santiago, Chile, August 8-10, 2019
“Panel: Nuances in Aesthetic Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery: A 360 Degree Perspective. Reconstruction of Labiaplasty Deformities:“ Presented at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 20, 2019.
“Labiaplasty and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Teaching course at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ Annual meeting 2019, New Orleans, NY. May 18, 2019
“Master Class on Genital Surgery: Labiaplasty and correction of secondary deformities; Scrotal lifts; Correction of buried penis”. “Beware of pitfalls of potential complications of penis enlargement surgery”. Presented at Aesthetica Super Symposium, Sponsored by American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Las Vegas, NV. March 16, 2019
“Central Wedge Labiaplasty and Labia Reconstruction”, Presented at 4th Emirates Plastic Surgery Congress. Dubai, UAE, December 8, 2018
“Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”; Master Class. Presented at International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, 24th Congress, Miami, Florida, November 4, 2018
“Central Wedge Labiaplasty, Clitoropexy, and Labia Reconstruction”, Presented at panel “Vaginal Rejuvenation” at International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons, 24th Congress, Miami, Florida, November 4, 2018
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”. Gary J. Alter, Presented at panel “Comprehensive Techniques in Female Genital Rejuvenation” at American Society of Plastic Surgeons, Annual meeting 2018, Chicago, IL September 30, 2018
“Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Presented at panel “Private Perfection: Genital Surgery Trends for Women “ at American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual meeting 2017, Orlando, Fl, October 8, 2017
“Labiaplasty and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Teaching course at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ Annual meeting 2017, San Diego, CA. April 29, 2017
“Female genital aesthetic surgery”. Gary J. Alter. Presented at International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), 23 rd Congress, Kyoto, Japan. Sponsored by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. October 27, 2016
“Female genital aesthetic surgery”, “Male genital aesthetic surgery” and Male to female sexual reassignment surgery. Gary J. Alter. Presented at Aesthetica. Sponsored by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Washington D.C. June 23-25, 2016
“Discussion of “Avoidance of labiaplasty complications and indications for revision labiaplasty”. Gary J. Alter. Presented at panel ”Incorporating labiaplasty into your practice: Tips for success”. at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ Annual meeting 2016, Las Vegas, NV. April 6, 2016
“Labiaplasty and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Teaching course at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ Annual meeting 2016, Las Vegas, NV. April 4, 2016
“The different approaches to intimate surgery” and “The treatment of buried penis”. Gary J. Alter, Presented at XVII Simposio Internacional de Cirurgia Plastica and III Body Contour, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. March 19, 2016.
“Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery. Gary J. Alter, Presented at panel “Vaginal Rejuvenation” at the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ Annual Meeting 2015, Montreal, Canada, May 17, 2015.
“Labiaplasty and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Teaching course at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ “Annual Meeting 2015, Montreal, Canada, May 16, 2015
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Presented at Society of Urodynamics, Female Pelvic Medicine, and Urogenital Reconstruction (SUFU) Winter Meeting. Phoenix, AZ February 28, 2015
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery: Plastic Surgeon or Gynecologist” and “Reconstruction of deformities from failed labiaplasties”. Presented at panel “Cosmetic Gynecology”. at the 1st Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine World Congress (AMWC) Latin America, Medellin, Colombia. November 29, 2014
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Presented at panel “Genital Surgery-In Your practice” at the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery 22nd Congress, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil September 22, 2014
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, Guest speaker at Illinois Society of Plastic Surgery. Chicago, Ill August 21, 2014
“Labiaplasty” and “Correction of the Hidden Penis”. Gary J. Alter, Presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium. Santa Fe, New Mexico August 9, 2014
Labia minora and majora remodeling”. Gary J. Alter. Instructional course. Presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium. Santa Fe, New Mexico August 9, 2014
“Labiaplasty and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, M.D. Teaching course at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ “Aesthetic Meeting 2014, San Francisco, CA, April 26, 2014
“Labia minora and labia majora reductions”. Gary J. Alter, Presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgery/American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium. Santa Fe, New Mexico August 24, 2013
“Primary aesthetic female genital surgery: labia minora, labia majora, clitoral hood, clitoris”; Management of mons descent”; “Male to female sexual reassignment”, “Buried penis”: “Male aesthetic genital surgery: scrotal enlargement, penoscrotal web, penile and scrotal skin grafts, reconstruction of penile enlargement”; “Female genital reconstructive surgery”. Gary J. Alter. Presented at 36th Annual Australasian Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Conference, Port Douglas, Australia. July 8-13, 2013
“Correction of the Buried Penis in Adults and Children”, “Scrotum Reduction, Genital Skin Grafts, and Correction of Penoscrotal Web”, “Male for Female Sexual reassignment”, and “Female Aesthetic Genital Surgeries”. Gary J. Alter. Presented at 10th Turkish National Andrology Congress, Bodrum, Turkey. May 29-June 1, 2013
“Panel: Incorporating Genital Surgery into your Practice”, Gary J. Alter. Presented at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ “Aesthetic Meeting 2013 New York, NY, April 15, 2013
“Labiaplasty and Female Aesthetic Genital Surgery”, Gary J. Alter, M.D. Teaching course at American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ “Aesthetic Meeting 2013 New York, NY, April 13, 2013
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery” Gary J. Alter, Presented at the Aesthetic Dinner Conference, UCLA Division of Plastic Surgery, Los Angeles, CA December 13, 2011
“Video: Labia Reduction”, “Labia Reduction and Clitoropexy: Techniques, Complications, and Women’s Expectations”, “Penile Enlargement and Elongation: Male Expectations, Results, and Complications”. Gary J. Alter, Presented at the Cutting Edge 2011: Advanced Body Sculpting Head to Foot. 31st Aesthetic Surgery Symposium, Sponsored by American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, The American Society of Plastic Surgeons, International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. New York, New York. December 1,2,3, 2011
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”. Gary J. Alter, Presented at the American Society of Plastic Surgery/American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium. Santa Fe, New Mexico August 27, 2011
“Labia minora reduction”. Instructional course. Gary J. Alter, Given at the American Society of Plastic Surgery/American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Breast Surgery and Body Contouring Symposium. Santa Fe, New Mexico August 27, 2011 “Aesthetic Genital Surgery in Adolescents”, Gary J. Alter, Presented at web symposium “Surgical Problems in Pediatric Gynecology”, Case Western University, September 10, 2009
“Debate: Timing and Approaches to Vulvoplasty and Vaginoplasty: Gary J. Alter, Presented at web symposium “Surgical Problems in Pediatric Gynecology”, Case Western University, September 10, 2009
“Genital Plastic Surgery”, presented in the Special Seminar, “ Cosmetic Rehabilitation of the Post-Bariatric Patient”, Gary J. Alter, American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Annual Meeting, May 2, 2008, San Diego, California
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery” presented in “Panel: Genital Rejuvenation and Reconstruction: Fringe Procedure or New Frontier, Gary J. Alter, American Society of Plastic Surgeons Annual Meeting, October 31, 2007, Baltimore, Maryland
“Hidden penis surgery”,” Labia Minora Reduction”, “Male to Female reassignment surgery” , Gary J. Alter, Presented at First International Course about Aesthetic Genital surgery Male and Female, February 15,16,17. 2007. Sponsored by Centro Medico Teknon, Barcelona, Spain Live Surgery
“Labia minora reduction”, Gary J Alter, Performed at First International Course about Aesthetic Genital surgery Male and Female, February 17, 2007. Sponsored by Centro Medico Teknon, Barcelona, Spain
“Female Genital Aesthetic Surgery”, “Complications of Penile Enlargement Surgery”, “Male to Female Sexual Reassgnment”. Presented at Vll International Symposium on Plastic Surgery, March 24-26, 2006, Sao Paolo, Brazil, Sponsored by Brazilian Society of Plastic Surgeons.
“Plastic Surgery of the External Genitalia”, Gary J. Alter, Visiting Professor, Plastic Surgery Grand Rounds, University of California at San Diego, San Diego, CA, September 21, 2005
“The Modified Singapore Flap in Vaginal Reconstruction”, John E. Woods and Gary J. Alter: Presented at Seventieth Annual Meeting of American Association of Plastic Surgeons, San Antonio, Texas, April 17, 1991
“Experience with vaginal reconstruction utilizing the modified Singapore flap”, John E, Woods, Gary J. Alter, N. Bradly Meland, Karl Podratz; — Presented by Gary J. Alter at the American Association of Plastic Surgeons annual meeting, San Antonio, Texas, April, 1991 — Presented at Midwestern Association of Plastic Surgeons, St. Louis, Missouri, May 1991 — Presented at Plastic Surgery Senior Resident’s Conference, Montreal, Quebec, May, 1992

What Patients Are Saying
Happy Plasty!
I had a consultation with 3 different surgeons and decided on Dr. Alter because of his high level of experience with labia and because his before and after pictures are consistently better in my opinion.
I'm so thankful I found him!
If I went to a different doctor, I don't think the outcome would have been as successful. He gave me the look I was trying to achieve from the start. Thanks to him I can have a healthy lifestyle and truly enjoy my body.
I could not be HAPPIER that I did it!
Dr. Alter was very nice and answered all my questions. I would definitely recommend this surgery to anyone who has considered it but, do your homework on surgeons and their methods.
Dr. Alter is the best in the business.
He helped me when I didn’t think anyone else could…I needed a correction to a botched previous surgery (the prior surgeon attempted to fix it 2x, he claimed it was simple. It wasn’t at all).
Dr. Alter Fixed my Botched Labiaplasty and Changed my LIFE!
I visited Dr. Alter after a gynecologist botched my labiaplasty by completely REMOVING both my labia instead of trimming it. It was very emotionally painful and embarrassing. When I found Dr. Alter it was like I had found an angel.
Dr. Alter is a wonderful person and an incredible surgeon.
I found Dr. Alter three years after a botched labiaplasty that left me feeling hopeless and traumatized. He was incredibly responsive via email and made me feel comforted and safe from the very start.
My experience with Dr. Alter and his team was outstanding every step of the way!
Bottom line: Go to the source. He is the best at this surgery. Do not make a mistake on something so important. I'm grateful to Dr. Alter and his team for being sensitive and taking such good care of me.
A great labial reconstruction experience!
I can't believe what an amazing job he did with this procedure. Not only do I look normal again, I'm functional, too…I am thrilled with my outcome. I'd recommend Dr. Alter to anyone who needs a labial reconstruction. He's the best.
Words cannot express my gratitude to Dr. Alter
I had a botched mommy makeover from a non-board certified ``plastic surgeon``…Dr. Alter and his staff were kind, caring and compassionate and he is truly an artist at his craft! A+++ in my book!
Dr. Alter is amazing!
The result far exceeded my expectations. I went into surgery thinking the best I could hope for was not looking like I had a penis! Dr Alter did fantastic work `{`…`}` you’d never know I had surgery and I look and feel great!
Dr. Alter is amazing!
I traveled across the country to see Dr. Alter, and HIGHLY recommend him! Don't settle for a cheaper gynecologist because this is not their area of expertise…I am so incredibly happy with my results…
A pioneer in genital reconstruction, Dr. Alter has helped hundreds of women with his extensive knowledge of genital anatomy as well as expertise in minimizing scars, transferring tissue, and improving cosmetic appearance.
416 N. Bedford Dr. Suite # 400,
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
Phone: +1(310) 275-5566
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Before and After Photos – individual results may vary.
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